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Writer's picturebrewergamer

OSRS: Noobs quick guide to 'flipping'

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

This is a beginners guide to "Flipping" on the Grand Exchange in Oldschool Runescape, the only requirements at the current moment is the Runelite client! (Course currently only available via Desktop PC, however plugins are intended to be added to the official client on mobile soon.)

First you'll want to go to the Plugins tab in your Runelite client and grab the "Flipping Utilities" plugin. You can locate the plugins tab ingame on the top right of your screen, click on the wrench symbol then the plugin symbol and search for Flipping Utilities. After installing the plugin into your Runelite client, you'll want to keep this panel open while you are looking for items to flip. You can open this by clicking the icon circled red icon in the image below:

Once you have the Flipping Utilities plugin you can start flipping. The basic concept is to buy items at the "Wiki Insta Sell" price, then sell at the "Wiki Insta Buy" price. In this example you would be buying Cannonballs at 200gp each and reselling for 207gp each:

If you're unsure which items to flip, one of the websites that I use is It is completely free (ad-free too!), lists suggested flips as well as profit margins and trade volume.

Over time you'll start to find your favorite items to flip to bring in consistent profit. This was definitely a shorter post but flipping really can be started this quickly and simply! Thank you for reading.

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